HOST-RESOURCES-MIB and internal information
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Oliver Graute
2015-11-05 12:13:05 UTC

I noticed during a snmpwalk that my embedded device provide a lot of
internal information in the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB that I would prefer to
keep secret.

For example the Host Resources provides some Informations about process
pathes, process ids, memory consumption etc. For Debugging thats all
fine and nice to have, but I wish to hide these deep informations for
real production environments.

Is it necesseary to disable the hole HOST-RESOURCES-MIB for that? where
I have to do that?

I'am using net-snmp 5.7.3

Best regards,


Michael Schwartzkopff
2015-11-05 12:53:59 UTC
Post by Oliver Graute
I noticed during a snmpwalk that my embedded device provide a lot of
internal information in the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB that I would prefer to
keep secret.
For example the Host Resources provides some Informations about process
pathes, process ids, memory consumption etc. For Debugging thats all
fine and nice to have, but I wish to hide these deep informations for
real production environments.
Is it necesseary to disable the hole HOST-RESOURCES-MIB for that? where
I have to do that?
I'am using net-snmp 5.7.3
Best regards,
You also could define a VIEW to restrict the access to that information.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Michael Schwartzkopff
[*] sys4 AG

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