Re[6]: How to get IP of received get request
(too old to reply)
Igor Sobinov
2015-12-23 15:04:32 UTC
 Hello Fulko,

I need it to send traps
Hello Fulko,
Thanks a lot for your responce. If sender's IP address of NMS is not
provided via Agent ,
Technically speaking, a sub-agent does not need to know
the sender's IP address. Why do you think you need it?
Perhaps you want to do something philosophically wrong.
is the only way to get it is to create my module as
shared object loaded by snmpd?
I can't speak for that technique, I have never used it.
I created my subagent, based on Agent X protocol. So, in my subagent I
need to know the IP of recipient
Sorry, the IP address of the controlling NMS is not communicated via
AgentX to subagents.
Trap targets are configured into Net-SNMP so when you use the
NOTIFY-PDU, the appropriate
trap/notifications are sent correctly to the pre-configured
addresses. (man snmpd.conf)
You can read it from the log file of snmptrapd, if you want to implement it
as a script perhaps? Or you are looking for the API?
Sent from my Mobile
-------- Original message --------
Date: 18/12/2015 08:08 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: How to get IP of received get request
I need to get an IP addreess of received Get retuest to send traps to this
address later.
Is any way to do it?
Bye, Igor
Bye, Igor
Fulko Hew
2015-12-23 15:08:57 UTC
Post by Igor Sobinov
Hello Fulko,
I need it to send traps
Sub-agents themselves, do not send traps. They tell the master agent
(whether via a
shared object version, or AgentX) and the master agent sends the
appropriate style
trap/notification to the NMS addresses it is configured to send traps to.
(Sometimes a trap target is a different address than the one doing polling!)
Post by Igor Sobinov
Post by Igor Sobinov
Hello Fulko,
Thanks a lot for your responce. If sender's IP address of NMS is not
provided via Agent ,
Technically speaking, a sub-agent does not need to know
the sender's IP address. Why do you think you need it?
Perhaps you want to do something philosophically wrong.
Post by Igor Sobinov
is the only way to get it is to create my module as
shared object loaded by snmpd?
I can't speak for that technique, I have never used it.
Post by Igor Sobinov
I created my subagent, based on Agent X protocol. So, in my subagent I
need to know the IP of recipient
Sorry, the IP address of the controlling NMS is not communicated via
AgentX to subagents.
Trap targets are configured into Net-SNMP so when you use the
NOTIFY-PDU, the appropriate
trap/notifications are sent correctly to the pre-configured
addresses. (man snmpd.conf)
You can read it from the log file of snmptrapd, if you want to implement
as a script perhaps? Or you are looking for the API?
Sent from my Mobile
-------- Original message --------
Date: 18/12/2015 08:08 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: How to get IP of received get request
I need to get an IP addreess of received Get retuest to send traps to
address later.
Is any way to do it?
Bye, Igor
Bye, Igor