Unknown Engine ID
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Simon Chamlian
2015-12-21 19:27:51 UTC

Using Ney-SNMP 5.7.1., I have an agent (v3) running.

The user of this agent is responsible for making the server and he is
complaining that when they change the server to a new server (same machine)
to communicate to agent:

a) They do a GET with empty with empty binding to get the Engine ID

b) The engine replies with Unknown Engine ID

After that, they can no longer communicate with the agent.

The agent uses its own snmpd.conf file with following content:

createUser Foo md5 “password”

rwuser Foo

Any hints on what is happening?

How is Engine ID created when not specified in snmpd.conf file?


Michael Schwartzkopff
2015-12-22 07:06:56 UTC
Post by Simon Chamlian
Using Ney-SNMP 5.7.1., I have an agent (v3) running.
The user of this agent is responsible for making the server and he is
complaining that when they change the server to a new server (same machine)
a) They do a GET with empty with empty binding to get the Engine ID
b) The engine replies with Unknown Engine ID
After that, they can no longer communicate with the agent.
who "they"?

This is the mechanism to discover the engineID of a unknown device. The
manager should continue and request the information using the discovererd

If you have duplicate engineIDs the manager will stop or send out the request
with a wrote bootCount.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Michael Schwartzkopff
[*] sys4 AG

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