a serious privacy issue with this list
(too old to reply)
2016-03-18 21:40:24 UTC
Going to the list home page, I can pretty much see my - and many others' -
email addresses. The page fully exposes the first part of it with "gm" for
the domain - which basically everyone on the net and their dog can figure
out, is "gmail". No wonder I started getting a lot more spam than I used

This means this list fully exposes members' email addresses with easily
guessable domains like gmail, outlook, yahoo, etc.

Should that change, like, yesterday?

Michael Schwartzkopff
2016-03-18 21:58:11 UTC
Post by Alex
Going to the list home page, I can pretty much see my - and many others' -
email addresses. The page fully exposes the first part of it with "gm" for
the domain - which basically everyone on the net and their dog can figure
out, is "gmail". No wonder I started getting a lot more spam than I used
This means this list fully exposes members' email addresses with easily
guessable domains like gmail, outlook, yahoo, etc.
Should that change, like, yesterday?

you are talking about privacy and have an email account at google. You must be

But seriously, spam protection is done on your mail server, not by obscurity
trying to hide your mail address. Tune your mail server and you will not have
problems with spam.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Michael Schwartzkopff
[*] sys4 AG

http://sys4.de, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64, +49 (162) 165 0044
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Florian Kirstein
2016-03-18 22:33:39 UTC

*I asked that my email address is kept private*, not whether this request
has merits. If you'd like to discuss the merits, please post a new thread.

Thank you for your consideration. :)

Post by Michael Schwartzkopff
you are talking about privacy and have an email account at google. You
must be
But seriously, spam protection is done on your mail server, not by
trying to hide your mail address. Tune your mail server and you will not
problems with spam.
2016-03-18 22:38:44 UTC

Google Groups, Google Products Forums, Lyris, Yahoo Groups and many, many
other email-based subscription lists do a pretty good job obfuscating email
addresses and protecting members privacy.

Moving this list to Google Groups would be the easiest solution.

Can you tell where where you're talking about? The subscriber list is
private. Do you mean the archives for the list? If that's the case,
you're writing to a public mailing list that anyone can subscribe to
(including spammers), so I'm not sure how you can expect your address to
be hidden in general.
Wes Hardaker
Alice Wonder
2016-03-18 22:37:26 UTC
Post by Alex
*I asked that my email address is kept private*, not whether this
request has merits. If you'd like to discuss the merits, please post a
new thread.
Thank you for your consideration. :)
When you post to a public list your e-mail address us no longer private.

What many people do is create an e-mail address specific for posting to
lists. Then anything sent to that address that is not related to a list
can be safely deleted.
Alice Wonder
2016-03-18 22:42:21 UTC
Post by Alex
Google Groups, Google Products Forums, Lyris, Yahoo Groups and many,
many other email-based subscription lists do a pretty good job
obfuscating email addresses and protecting members privacy.
Moving this list to Google Groups would be the easiest solution.
I do not use google groups because I do not like the fact that google
itself tracks me and everything I do.

Also it is more difficult to validate a message is from the sender. You
can look at my DKIM signature to verify at least that the message came
from the SMTP server associated with my sending domain, Google Groups
does not offer that kind of validation.

Google likes to give the illusion of privacy while they have a profit
model designed on tracking every aspect of your life.

Don't fall for it.
