NetSNMP support on Solaris 11 (built on Solaris 10)
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Atul Thosar
2015-06-16 07:08:05 UTC
Hi All,
From archives/FAQ, I understood that the NetSNMP works/supported on Solaris
11 platform, but in our case, it's a bit different case.

Currently, we build NetSNMP v5.1.1 on Solaris 10 (SunOS, sun4u, sparc) and
it works well on Solaris 10 platform. We use Sun Studio 12 compiler.

We would like to run it on Solaris 11.2 (SunOS, sun4v, sparc) platform w/o
changing the build platform. I mean we will continue to build NetSNMP on
Solaris 10 and run it on Solaris 11.

Has anyone encounter such situation? Appreciate any help/pointers if this
mechanism will work?



Atul Thosar
Ajit Ambekar
2015-06-16 08:16:40 UTC
I don't have any experience with Solaris but Whatever your are doing
(Building on 10 and run on 11) would work only sometimes not always.
Further, this will not help you in finding if the expected dependencies are
available or not and wont provide you the low level optimizations provided
by that particular hardware and OS version.

Maybe other experienced guys can provide you better answers.. :-)
Post by Atul Thosar
Hi All,
From archives/FAQ, I understood that the NetSNMP works/supported on
Solaris 11 platform, but in our case, it's a bit different case.
Currently, we build NetSNMP v5.1.1 on Solaris 10 (SunOS, sun4u, sparc) and
it works well on Solaris 10 platform. We use Sun Studio 12 compiler.
We would like to run it on Solaris 11.2 (SunOS, sun4v, sparc) platform w/o
changing the build platform. I mean we will continue to build NetSNMP on
Solaris 10 and run it on Solaris 11.
Has anyone encounter such situation? Appreciate any help/pointers if
this mechanism will work?
Atul Thosar
Net-snmp-users mailing list
Ambekar Ajit Shivaji
Taylor, Ben
2015-07-22 13:26:43 UTC
Building net-snmp on Solaris 10, is supposed to be able to be used on Solaris 11. The only thing you may have to worry about is if underlying support packages change between Solaris 10 and Solaris 11, especially if there’s an API change.


From: Atul Thosar [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 3:08 AM
To: net-snmp-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: NetSNMP support on Solaris 11 (built on Solaris 10)

Hi All,
From archives/FAQ, I understood that the NetSNMP works/supported on Solaris 11 platform, but in our case, it's a bit different case.
Currently, we build NetSNMP v5.1.1 on Solaris 10 (SunOS, sun4u, sparc) and it works well on Solaris 10 platform. We use Sun Studio 12 compiler.
We would like to run it on Solaris 11.2 (SunOS, sun4v, sparc) platform w/o changing the build platform. I mean we will continue to build NetSNMP on Solaris 10 and run it on Solaris 11.
Has anyone encounter such situation? Appreciate any help/pointers if this mechanism will work?
Atul Thosar