C code example for SNMP v3 over TLS (using certificates)
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pratyush parimal
2015-10-15 19:03:22 UTC

Apologies for broadcasting again. But does anyone have an idea about this?

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to write an application in C that runs on ubuntu and sends SNMP
v3 traps to an SNMP server.
I just want to send the traps over TLS, no other operations are needed.
Unfortunately, so far the only secure SNMP coding example I've come across
(at http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/TUT:Simple_Application) does
not describe how to send secure SNMP v3 traps using certificates from C
code. The example uses username-passwod method (USM I think).
Does anyone have some sample code for my problem?
Thanks in advance,
Ajit Ambekar
2015-10-16 06:26:36 UTC
Why do you want a C code for that ? . You can always use "snmptrap"
command. Still if you need the C code then download snmptrap.c .. :D

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:33 AM, pratyush parimal <
Post by pratyush parimal
Apologies for broadcasting again. But does anyone have an idea about this?
On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 5:04 PM, pratyush parimal <
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to write an application in C that runs on ubuntu and sends
SNMP v3 traps to an SNMP server.
I just want to send the traps over TLS, no other operations are needed.
Unfortunately, so far the only secure SNMP coding example I've come across
(at http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/TUT:Simple_Application) does
not describe how to send secure SNMP v3 traps using certificates from C
code. The example uses username-passwod method (USM I think).
Does anyone have some sample code for my problem?
Thanks in advance,
Net-snmp-users mailing list
Ambekar Ajit Shivaji