Unable to send SNMP V3 Informs to multiple destinations
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raja vankam
2015-08-28 18:51:54 UTC

Do anybody have any input on this behavior.

I have configured two inform destinations but not started one of the
destinations trap receiver or removed the network cable from the server PC.
At that time if I start the agent on the Linux target then the agent is not
doing anything. Agent is waiting for the second destination to be available
until then I am not receiving cold start trap at either of the
destinations. If I restore the communication to another destination then
agent starts functional, I see debug message Net-Snmp 5.7.3 and then cold
start is sent to both destinations.

Is there any way to make the agent functional with one trap receiver and
try for the other trap receiver until it is available.

Appreciate your help.

Hi Robert,
Thanks for your reply and sorry for the delayed response.
I had an error on my side due to which I was not interpreting the informs
at the other end. Now I could test SNMP V3 informs with the same or
multiple users to different destinations.
However I am seeing a behavior which I would like to know whether it is
normal with V3?
I have configured two inform destinations but not started one of the
destinations trap receiver or made the network to go down, at that time if
I start the agent then agent is not functional. Agent is waiting for the
second destination to be available until then I am not receiving cold start
trap at either of the destinations. I see debug message Net-Snmp 5.7.3
comes only after all the destinations are available and takes few seconds
after the above message to send the inform. From then onwards I am able to
receive all the subsequent informs and acknowledgements.
Appreciate your help.
RV> If I try to send Informs to more than one destination with the
RV> same user or different user then just cold start trap is being
RV> delivered to all destinations but subsequent Informs are
RV> delivered to only the first destination in the snmpd.conf.
Hi Raja,
Something is definitely wrong. You should be able to send multiple
informs to different destinations. Try adding some debg tokens to
your snmpd command line: "-D trap,send,transport:send" to see
what's happening.
2015-11-03 01:13:06 UTC
Post by raja vankam
Do anybody have any input on this behavior.
I have configured two inform destinations but not started one of the destinations trap receiver or removed the network cable from the server PC. At that time if I start the agent on the Linux target then the agent is not doing anything. Agent is waiting for the second destination to be available until then I am not receiving cold start trap at either of the destinations. If I restore the communication to another destination then agent starts functional, I see debug message Net-Snmp 5.7.3 and then cold start is sent to both destinations. 
Is there any way to make the agent functional with one trap receiver and try for the other trap receiver until it is available.
Appreciate your help.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your reply and sorry for the delayed response.
I had an error on my side due to which I was not interpreting the informs at the other end. Now I could test SNMP V3 informs with the same or multiple users to different destinations.
However I am seeing a behavior which I would like to know whether it is normal with V3?
I have configured two inform destinations but not started one of the destinations trap receiver or made the network to go down, at that time if I start the agent then agent is not functional. Agent is waiting for the second destination to be available until then I am not receiving cold start trap at either of the destinations. I see debug message Net-Snmp 5.7.3 comes only after all the destinations are available and takes few seconds after the above message to send the inform. From then onwards I am able to receive all the subsequent informs and acknowledgements.
Appreciate your help.
RV> If I try to send Informs to more than one destination with the
RV> same user or different user then just cold start trap is being
RV> delivered to all destinations but subsequent Informs are
RV> delivered to only the first destination in the snmpd.conf.
Hi Raja,
Something is definitely wrong. You should be able to send multiple
informs to different destinations. Try adding some debg tokens to
your snmpd command line: "-D trap,send,transport:send" to see
what's happening.
Hey Raja ,

Hope this Multiple trap destination thing is working for you .
I am new to SNMP , so can you send me your configuration file to implement multiple trap destination.